Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I ain't afraid of No Ghost!

So its been awhile since I added to this Blog. Why? Well I recently moved to a new house and have spent most of my energy in it's new upkeep and decorating things like that oh and well gaming. With my husband urging me to keep pursuing my typed analysis of the games I play I decided to start where I left off which was Batman. The next game I popped into my XBOX was none other than Ghostbusters The Video Game. I know its not the type of game I would usually go for but I am a sucker for the paranormal in any form. You will find that the games I love most will have some sort of ghostie presence.

The Ghostbusters game is meant to take place a couple of years after Ghostbusters 2 the movie, you come in as a Rookie Ghostbuster who's primary challenge is to be the test dummy for some of Egons newest proton guns. With your arrival paranormal activity begins to happen in the heart of New York and the main source seems to be the museum which is housing a Gozer Exhibit. The character you play is only ever called "Rookie" and he never speaks just like most games you will play this one wants you to feel like you are apart of it.
Good Points to make about this game is that the four original Ghostbusters (Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson) are back to lend their voices along with the team's receptionist (Annie Potts) and Walter Peck (William Atherton) so it makes sense that the new guy i.e you doesn't get in the way of the Wittie banter, techie dialogue and comedic one-liners you'd expect.
Since Ghostbusters the game is meant to be considered the third in the series its feels alot like a movie. The film's Original Writers Aykroyd and Ramis lent their style to the dialogue making the link from movie to game that much stronger. With most if not all games Linked to an movie they usually suck! So much so that I usually avoid any game based off a movie but this was an exception as I heard many good things about it. In the end I sucked it up and put it in and endured the constant judgement of all around me for playing "That". I don't regret it.

In basics its a third-person shooter with a behind the back experience. The HUD is displayed on your Proton Pack freeing your screen of all the useless garbage that would otherwise block the whole screen. Its meant to be a movie and should feel like one. If you take damage its goes GOW style and your screen turns red till you get your ass in some cover. The meter on the right lets you know when your Proton Pack is overheating you will have to wait a bit for it to cool down much like a slow reload. The Pack will also display what different firing modes you are using which include your basic Proton stream and Boston dart, Dark Matter, Slime Blower and Electricity stream. You are able to earn money for every monster you catch and upgrade your Proton Pack. You also have a PKE meter that will begin to tick when a ghost is nearby and then the trapper which sucks the ghost in and traps them. Fairly easy going.
The Ghosts are good allowing the game to be more interesting in the play through. From Hobo ghosts, Stay Puft man to flying demons and posses statue cherubs there are tons of enemies to fight all having their own different attributes. Another way the keep the game interesting is the different environments you get to go to the Firehouse, Times Square , different universe and even kill Zombies in a haunted Cemetery. I love Zombies so this part was really fun for me.

Main things is the CG is not very great especially in comparison to the games out now a days its just not up to par. The word and mouth movements are off so you sometimes feel like you are watching a cheap kung fu movie. The characters don't feel natural and while you love them they seem to just stare off into space half the time which is just weird. I am usually not such a stickler for graphics if the story is good and this one almost makes it but the story isn't the most interesting or amazing.
In The End if you are a Fan of Ghostbusters there is no reason not to play this game. I probably wouldn't recommend to the average player though as they may be more critical.

My Statistics:
Rating: I will rate this Game 6 star
I beat this game in about 3 days and played it for a week.
XBOX points awarded as of right now 35/50 with score of 695/1000

I should Have done this alot sooner but an Update for Arkham Asylum game play is that I finally I completed the all achievements. it was a rough road but I did it :) <3